Mystery Ranch logo over horizon view


The Mystery Ranch is an art and ecology research station located near Searchlight, Nevada. Since 2003, the Mystery Ranch has been providing time and space to listen to the stories the Mojave desert tells, develop new ideas, and realize projects with a community of local and visiting artists, scientists, teachers and students. Over the years, the experience of the ranch has influenced painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, musicians, performance artists, builders, biologists, ecologists, and other stewards of the land. Kim Garrison and Steve Radosevich (of United Catalysts), their spouses Leland Means and Martha Radosevich, and a dedicated group of talented artist friends, are caretakers of the ranch and its projects.

Currently the Mystery Ranch is partnering with the Basin and Range Watch, Friends of Walking Box Ranch, and many other organizations in promoting the Avi Kwa Ame National Monument proposal, which would protect the sacred lands surrounding Mystery Ranch. It is also collaborating with Joshua Tree Genome Project and the Orange Coast College Ecology Club, studying the effects of climate change, and with the Mojave Desert Land Trust, who are conserving desert plant species, while continuing to be an artist residency, retreat, and field studio.

Check out the Mystery Ranch on Instagram and on YouTube!

Projects and Research

Artists and Contributors

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